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Why Energy Utility Companies Are Inherently Against Solar

I recently read a news report about Faith Community Church in Greensboro, North Carolina who installed an “illegal” third party solar array. The array itself is a little over 5 kilo-Watts which is relatively small. The idea here is that the installer has installed the solar array on the church for free and will sell the church the energy it produces for half the rate the regional energy company Duke Energy charges. Even though this array only produces a mere fraction of the Energy the church requires, they have attracted the attention of the all-mighty Duke Energy (a massive energy utility in the south) and will likely be “Duking it-out” in court. So what gives? Why is this illegal in North Carolina? Why does Duke Energy even care? Continue Reading →

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Church Energy Series

Stewardship & Alternative Energy 101 For Churches

Recently, St. David’s Episcopal Church in Austin, TX made major waves after their successful implementation of alternative energy with a solar PV system atop their campus parking garage. This was a major accomplishment not only for St. David’s but also for the city of Austin, paving the way for more commercial alternative energy projects downtown.  Cost savings alone was not the primary driver of the solar PV project.  It was St. David’s value of energy stewardship principles that are an essential part of their mission and culture.

As the discussion of energy stewardship commences at your church, a few questions will undoubtably surface.  In this post, I will answer some of the most common questions I receive about stewardship and alternative energy with respect to churches. Continue Reading →

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St. David’s Takes Downtown Austin Solar

It started with a vision 10 years in the making.  When the church leaders of St. David’s Episcopal Church in Austin Texas came together to discuss a solar system for the church, there was a much bigger picture in mind.  This wasn’t a project about saving money on energy costs.  The addition of the solar panel system at St. David’s was another milestone towards the church’s value of leading the community of downtown Austin in environmental consciousness and conservation of resources. Continue Reading →

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Why The Church Should Be Influencers of Energy Stewardship

Why should the church care about energy? One word comes to mind. Stewardship.

How a church manages its energy says a lot about its attitude towards stewardship.  Waste in the church is simply unacceptable when there is so much need in the community.  In most churches in America, energy costs are the church’s second largest operating expense behind salaries.  Churches across the country have the opportunity to turn one of their greatest challenges into an incredible point of outreach.

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Church Energy Series: Investing in Alternative Energy

Churches like any other commercial buildings require large amounts of energy to operate.  Activity in churches range from office work, conferences, and meetings through the week to full blown live productions of the weekends.  All of the IT, lighting, audio visual equipment, kitchen appliances, security, heating, and air conditioning systems contribute to rising energy costs which seem to inch higher and higher into the church operating budget.  Paying more on energy bills means there is less money available for other ministry activities. Continue Reading →

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Maranatha Lights The Way With Chroma-Q Inpire Mini LED House Lights

When Maranatha Assembly of God in Forest Lake, Minnesota learned that they could lower their energy bill through their energy provider Xcel Energy’s “Smarter Lighting for Less” rebate program, they jumped at the opportunity to upgrade to LED house lighting.   Continue Reading →

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Church Energy Series

Church Energy Series: Calculating ROI On LED Stage Lighting

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Church Energy Series

Church Energy Series: Upgrading Fluorescent Tube Lighting To LEDs

Fluorescent Lighting

In this church energy series, we’ve been covering ways to get fast return on investment with upgrades to energy efficient lighting.  Upgrading lighting at your church can be one of the quickest bang for your buck items to get instant energy savings.  Today we look at a fixture that is prevalent in many church auxiliary rooms, halls, classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and some sanctuaries:  fluorescent tubes. Continue Reading →

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Church Energy Series

Church Energy Series: Upgrading To LED Recessed Lighting

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Church Energy Series

Church Energy Series: Calculating ROI From CLF & LED Upgrades

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